
Are YOU ready????

I am here to announce PROUDLY that your exam paper (SA2) is ready!!!
Presenting to you Principal, Mr Goh Yonhui and his two teachers Ms Chole Leow and Ms Grace Euodias Yao!

We will see all of you this coming sunday, 1st March, 430pm at JW cafe!!!

Group 15 logis personnels, don't be too happy.... even though we are on duty BUT you still have to sit for the exam.

Study Hard! Jia You!!

Fwd: Housekeeping as of 22th Feb

Hi guys!

Weekend Allocation
28/2, sat > Simon, Chow Meng
1/3, sun > Chung Kiat, Abigail
Any internal switches do let Yong hui know, cc 1 to me, or drop a mail here.

Upcoming events
28/2, 1/3 This coming weekend we are having water bap! If you are interested to know how it's run and such, do drop by. :D
15/3 Logis outing at sentosa

To simon, chow meng
mich and i will come down this sat, but just in case,
Loudhailer checked with 8 batteries in box @ L1 > ensure battery taken out after use on both days.
Instruction on hailer to insert battery is not clear. if it fail to work, reverse the batt. It's working when i test on 22/2.
Photo number tag @L1, beside loudhailer
Towel @B4 on the same shelf as the ministry box
Signage @B4 behind door in black trash bag, sealed.
Extra batter @B4, beside pastor marker
Red and white tape @ B4, more than enough

Love offering for birthday babies for the month of Feb, if you had pledged, do pass to Simon/Wan Xiu asap. :D
Water bap towels - Ck found the approved towels, will be bought and top up by this sat. Final count will be 10 big + 1 mid
Harvest time - To give recept 100 per week, sat logis do take note.
Chops - to collect 2 blue(CHC) and 1 red(redeem) from recept. JJ will help to trace, but if you know of any church staff by the name of Grace, do ask her for it.
Queue point at B4 - i last counted was 19. but not sure if all are ours. (10 are confirm ours)
Sticker Label - those blank 4 pieces on 1 A4 one, left a few only, thou not under us, might be good if we highlight to H1 on this sat/sun
Traffic items - Spoilt one had not been collected by peng boon.

If there's anything i miss out do add to this mail!
If you have any burning ideas that you think will help JW log to improve do let us know too!

Have a great week ahead!


JW Logis Meeting

Hi All,

Do take note that coming Sunday 15 Feb, there will be a meeting at Kendrus's house.

Venue: Blk 756 Jurong West St74 #12-62
Time: 6pm - 8pm

All of ya have confirmed your attendance so see ya there!
Let's also have a great time of fellowship too!

Let's all meet in church lobby at around 5pm for those who are on duty and those who are still hanging around in church ya...